Sunday, October 25, 2009


We're a bit late in putting this out because of *technical issues* (aahhh isn't technology just GRAND!) but better late then never. This week we are introducing one of our fabulous Animal Care Attendants.

Welcome Mike McManigal

Graduating from High School in 2007, Mike began his career working at Best Friends while still in school. He has been a much valued employee of Best Friends for four and a half years. As a Animal Care Attendant he is the one responsible for the *creature comforts* of your beloved fur kids. He makes sure they are fed on time. He also keeps their water bowls topped off with the sparkly clean good stuff and stays on top of keeping their suites spic and span. He's even better then Mr. Clean! Mike also takes your pets out for their play times and other good activities. He really enjoys being around all the pets and lists that as his favorite reason for working here. Of course he has his favorites, but they are way to numerous to list.

In his spare time Mike is an avid computer man. He does enjoy a good movie (he really enjoyed 300) and his favorite TV show, Family Guy. While watching you may find him noshing on his most favorite food, the good old American Cheeseburger!

We all enjoy working with Mike. He's hard working, attentive to every detail and his love of the animals shows in his care and treatment of them. When you come in with your pet, or just to visit give a shout out to this weeks "Best of the Best"- Friends, Mike!!!!

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