Monday, June 21, 2010

Lightening Safety Week

As you have all noticed we have had a very active spring when it comes to the thunder/lightening storms the midwest is so *famous* for. The week of June 21-27, 2010 is Lightening Safety Week. This not only means safety for us humans but for our pets as well! Here are just a few common sense reminders for our pets during a lightening storm.

Pets & Farm Animals

You are responsible for your animals, they cannot protect themselves.

Do not leave your pet outdoors during a lightning storm. They are particularly susceptible to step-voltage from a near-by lightning strike.

80% of accidental outdoor animal deaths occur from lightning.

Replace metal collars and metal leashes with plastic.

Do not chain an animal to a tree during a lightning storm or attach to a metal exercise wire.

Provide a lightning safe shelter for your pet(s) and farm animals

Remember Your Pets

Dog houses are not safe shelters. Dogs that are chained to trees or chained to wire runners can easily fall victim to a lightning strike. Bring pets inside.

Please remember to keep yourselves AND your pets safe!

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