Monday, July 13, 2009


Starting July 13th our very first Puppy HeadStart class begins. With these classes we will start puppies on heeling and we teach them to *go to place*. Basically this is teaching your puppy to go lay down on it's own bed or rug so that when someone comes to your door or you need them out from under your feet (and honestly...aren't puppies always underfoot?) you can tell them to *go to place* and they will know to go lay down on their bed or rug out of the way and not disturb others.

We are also going to be helping their owners get through those first few (terrible) puppy months. As cute as they are as puppies they bring with them (as they enter your front door) a whole new host of interesting moments. We will help the owners learn how to handle jumping, chewing, biting, potty training, digging and what ever else they think they can throw at us! No challenge is to big or to small. We WILL corral these little guys (and gals) and begin turning them into the adorable balls of fluff they like to make us think they are with those big ol' sad puppy dog eyes. They REALLY know how to lay that on thick too, don't they?

These classes are 4 weeks long and are half an hour classes. The trainer will be handing out information on different subjects each week, thinks like nipping, socializing, potty training etc and will be discussing that some with the owners at the end of class while the puppies get to do what they do with each other!

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